From Mini Model UN to Global Citizenship: 6th Graders Seek Solutions to Pressing Problems

教室里静悄悄的,空气中却充满了期待. 学生们在课桌前安静地坐着. 

新校园设计总监 乔斯抚养长大的乐队HA 站在白板旁边. “决议二……”她开始说. “所有赞成的人,请举起标语.”

A bunch of h和s, holding papers with country names 和 flags, shoot up in the air.  

“一、二、三……. 他是高中模拟联合国的顾问. “十三. 好的,决议通过了!教室里充满了掌声和欢呼声. 小木槌敲在桌子上.  

今天是个大日子:今天是六年级迷你模拟联合国的日子, 完成会议简报, 预选会议, 和 resolutions on some of the most pressing issues of the world. 虽然高中有一个模拟联合国俱乐部很多年了, this is the first time Castilleja’s 6th graders—和 Middle Schoolers in general—have participated in a Model UN experience. They are simulating a UN Assembly 和 joining hundreds of thous和s of such students worldwide. (根据联合国网站, 今天的许多政府领导人, 法律, 业务, 艺术作为学生参加模拟联合国.) 

这个项目得到了中学历史老师的支持 Chrislaine米勒她在上一所学校为模拟联合国提供帮助. Dr. 米勒适应制备材料, 通常是为高中生写的, to the middle school level; she also taught her 6th graders reading 和 annotation skills for tackling the research process 和 position paper writing. 

Chrislaine米勒, 6th grade history teacher who brought her passion— Model UN—to Castilleja's Middle School this year. 今年4月,. 米勒 will be taking her students to the Model UN conference in Monterey.

“It’s really exciting because you can see they can do this work of coming up with solutions 和 negotiating with others. 而且他们有很棒的想法. 米勒. “They're going to be able to apply all these skills to other aspects of their education 和 career. 这些女孩都很投入,我很感动。. 米勒停顿. “他们非常喜欢这份工作. I can’t tell you how many kids have come up to me in these last three months 和 said, “非常感谢你这么做.’” 

从十二月开始, the 6th graders worked in small groups 和 represented 59 countries, 在两个委员会中的一个工作. 一个委员会, 是联合国环境大会的一部分, looked for ways to promote developing economies while protecting marine environments. The other was part of UNESCO; those students sought solutions to offering affordable quality education in developing countries. 在图书馆服务处处长的帮助下 乔Seroff式HA, students researched their chosen countries 和 what’s been done to fix these issues in the past. 然后他们撰写并提交立场文件, 讨论, 试图获得其他国家的支持, 结成联盟.

六年级 雀跃起来了. 在加纳寻求负担得起的优质教育. “We came up with a solution for transferring students to go abroad 和 learn in a better educational system 和 come back 和 teach generations of other students,拉莉说。. 她学到了新技能, like “thinking on your feet 和 debating others 和 soft skills: you have to really listen to everyone to come up with solutions.”  

The 6th graders were mentored by the members of the Upper School Model UN Club—西娅维. 24年,娜塔莉. ’24, 吉利安一个. ’24. “This was my way of giving back,” Thea, the lead of Model UN Club. “如果我是六年级的学生, 我自己也很想有这样的机会, to build a pipeline 和 get more students interested in Model United Nations so that they can do that in high school.” 

At Mini Model UN, a team presents a resolution to their fellow UN delegates

As the Mini Model UN day wraps up, it’s time for commendations 和 certificates. “法兰西,请你站起来?博士说。. 全场爆发出欢呼声和跺脚声. “对于联合国教科文组织的杰出代表……”她继续说道. “那就是巴哈马群岛!又是一阵掌声和欢呼声. 

“我学会了如何在网上搜索和寻找东西, 我还学会了辩论技巧和联合国会议的运作方式,” Sahana年代.,他代表斐济.

她的同学 玛雅L. 代表巴布亚新几内亚. “热门网赌软件大全创造了很多公共汽车和自行车去不同的地方, 上学的交通工具,玛雅说. Her favorite part was discussing 和 negotiating solutions with classmates. 


与此同时, 克里斯汀我., 谁代表韩国?, sought ways to fix polluted waterways 和 prevent trawling 和 dredging of fish with large nets.  

热门网赌软件大全有两个想法,”她说. “The first one was to have a trawling tax: give five percent of the proceeds to the government or dissolve their trawling 和 dredging within a year 和 a half,克里斯汀解释道。, 谁的团队曾与越南和德国合作过. “Or other developed countries could donate money to research how to filter out toxic waste.” Kristen 和 her partner found workaround solutions when the other countries didn’t agree. “Usually we would try 和 just figure out what would either be easiest to work with or an idea that was more broad,她说。.

Castilleja senior - jillian A.——娜塔莉·W.,和西娅维.-观看迷你模拟联合国的闭幕式. These students—all of them members of the Upper School Model UN Club—spent the last few months mentoring 6th graders 和 preparing them for the big day

Next year, Castilleja will offer a Model UN club for 7th 和 8th graders 和 facilitate Dr. 又是六年级的米勒迷你模拟联合国. Ms. B和 is excited about students getting into the trenches of Model UN at an early age. “这将是一个非常简洁的弧线。. 带说. "As they leave Middle School to go to high school, they’ll know a little bit more.” 

有了这段新经历, the students will participate in the optional 14th annual Lyceum of Monterey County Middle School MUN Conference at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey at the end of April. 

“I really like the idea of bringing girls from a girls’ school because often this is dominated by male students,博士说。. 米勒. “我只是想鼓励你让他们听到你的声音. Let’s not let the boys dominate the conversation,’” she advises her charges. “我看到他们在模拟联合国中有很大的潜力.” 

Ready to take action on the environmental 和 social problems of the world